An bealach is fearr chun Gaeilge a fhoghlaim!
The best way to learn Irish...
How to learn Irish for Beginners and more!
Start to learn Irish online today with my online Irish language courses. I offer courses in Irish for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels, you'll find the best way to learn Irish with me! I have the best Irish language courses for adults that you'll find online!
Join one of my courses and learn:

Step by step
Be astounded by how quickly your knowledge of the Irish language will grow rapidly with my step by step teaching method.

There are some sounds in the Irish language which don't even exist in English! You will learn correct pronunciation right from the start.

Irish culture
In my courses I teach Irish songs and poems to help you build your vocabulary and become familiar with the rich Irish culture.
Phrases in Irish you won't find in a textbook!
Enter your details to get my FREE guide (with audio) of useful phrases in Irish that you won't find in a textbook.
You will also receive the odd email from me with useful content and resources for learning Irish. My emails are rather sporadic and of course you can unsubscribe whenever you like.

Dia duit! Hello!
Haigh, is mise Patricia, agus is as Contae na Gaillimhe mé. I am here to help you learn Irish today - rapidly!
The learning part will be rapid, what speed you choose to speak at will be up to you ;-)
My online Irish language courses range from Irish for Beginners to more advanced online Irish classes, so whatever your level, I'll be able to help you find the best way to learn Irish for you.
I've spent a long time refining the best way to learn Irish and how to learn Irish online, so let me help you start learning Irish today!
Are you studying for an exam in Irish?
All of the courses below will boost your exam preparation; and may be used to prepare for school or other Irish language exams (e.g. Garda Síochána entrance exam; teacher training course entrance / Hibernia Irish exam etc.)
Contact me if you need advice as to which course will be most suitable for your particular exam requirements.

Irish for Beginners
Get off to the best start learning Irish with my Beginner Irish course.

Comprehensive course for A2 (Upper Beginner) and B1 (Intermediate) learners.

Beyond Beginner
Build your confidence when speaking Irish with these conversation based courses.

Self Study Courses
Learn useful vocabulary to use in real-life conversations. Start anytime; learn at your own pace.

Learn Through Literature
Improve your Irish by listening to extracts from great works of Irish literature.

Learn Through Poetry
Improve your Irish by listening to poems by three of Ireland's greatest poets.
See my latest blogs and start learning Irish today!
Want to know more?
You can get in touch with me by booking a free call. Take the first step towards learning to speak Irish!